How not to Care About What People Think of You as a Teenager/Young Adult

Opinions are beliefs emanating from a person’s thought processes based on their own perspective. Opinions are actually not factual. So it’s important to not take everyone’s opinion to heart. … More How not to Care About What People Think of You as a Teenager/Young Adult

Why Mental Health is a Big Deal

The state of our mental health affects not just our thinking but our feelings and behavior as well. The way we behave is the way we relate to other people, so this leads me to the conclusion that mental health has quite a large part to play in the health of our day-to-day relationships. Being mentally healthy makes you more compassionate, understanding and emotionally available for the people in your life. … More Why Mental Health is a Big Deal

The Transition from School to Career

Don’t just settle for average or the bare minimum. Exude excellence. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Be a person who your boss can depend on to get the task done effectively within the set period of time. Don’t just sit around and wait for work to be handed over to you. Actively engage and look for ways in which you can help solve a problem. … More The Transition from School to Career