Is Resourcefulness a Character Trait?

Life being full of ups and downs is one statement we constantly hear and would most likely forever hear. But how prepared are you to handle the down part of life? Would you choose to wallow in self pity or are you smart enough to find a solution to the challenge you are faced with?

So the question is are some people born resourceful, while others are not? Is resourcefulness a character … More Is Resourcefulness a Character Trait?

Building Resilience

Life, they say, is what you make out of it. All of your efforts would pay off, they constantly say. Nobody tells you just how much effort is required, or how your efforts would go unnoticed and unrewarded.

gardless of how many times you fail, there is always a hand to catch you. And if you ever feel like nothing is worth it, you are reminded of the sacrifice on Calvary’s hill.

You are Stronger, you are better and more importantly, you are resilient! So you push, stretching beyond your limits, bending instead of breaking, overcoming obstacles, and getting the medal you deserve! … More Building Resilience

4 Core Qualities to be all-round Exceptional

Exceptional people are extremely kind and loving. This quality helps produce groundbreaking results because their teammates, friends and family are always willing to go the extra mile for them. Even when they are required to work round the clock just to meet up with a deadline, the people in their circle don’t feel the heat, because they are constantly and sincerely checked on. They are appreciated for their efforts and are never taken for granted.
Don’t be the “I either step on you or drag you off the ladder so I can succeed” person. … More 4 Core Qualities to be all-round Exceptional

3 Characteristics of Exceptional Teenagers

With the notion that teenagers are easily distracted, frequently lose interest in things and are always in search of a new adventure, a lot of people have concluded that they can’t be entrusted with certain tasks and responsibilities. So, as an exceptional teenager, keeping your head in the game and staying committed to the task at hand, whatever it is- from maintaining high grades, to completing a project, to being intentional about your Spiritual growth, it all boils down to staying focused and committed to your goals. … More 3 Characteristics of Exceptional Teenagers